2 Fat Guys Talking Flowers
Join Mike Black and Fernando "The Fern Show" Ortega as they dive into the floral industry's hot topics. Always bringing you the good, the bad, and the ugly about flowers. Each episode is filled with flower topics, jokes, and knowledgeable guests. This podcast is always entertaining and sometimes educational. The goal is to enjoy a conversation and meet the people behind the flowers.
2 Fat Guys Talking Flowers
Ep. 19 - "It's All About the Service" with Raffi Grosz and Carlos Muina of Petal Productions
Petal Productions is one of the largest wedding and event professionals in the country! Their team produces upwards of 30 large-scale, high-end events PER WEEKEND for the difficult and diverse Miami/South Florida clientele and more. How do they do it? It starts from the top with President Raffi Grosz and the multi-talented, Lead Designer Carlos Muina. Listen as they join the Fat Guys in discussing the ups and downs of the large-scaled wedding industry. Learn new and useful tips and tricks from industry leaders. Hear their answer to "What's next in the event world?" and so much more. (You will notice in this episode Mike sounds different, that is because he has begun his working from the Lake House portion of the year and is calling in.). Be sure to follow @petalprod and @Cmuina on your social media to see the behind-the-scenes and design magic their team creates.